Afroze Sultana

Aug 13, 20203 min

Are you ready to REBOUND?

REFLECT on your Lifestyle!!


Take time and do an audit on your Health, Physical Fitness level, Emotional health and lifestyle 😀

*Are you feeling energetic or drained out?

*Is you body feeling tight? Painful?

*Does climbing a flight of stairs tire you?

*Are you constantly living in the past? Regret? Guilt?

*Are you constantly worry about the future and feeling anxious? *Are you drinking enough water?

*Are you eating nutrient dense foods that will nourish your body?

*Are you taking care of yourself?

It all starts with answering these questions. We are constantly pushing ourselves to meet the deadlines. The goal is not to change over night but take small actions everyday that will become our habits and then lifestyle.

It starts with the thoughts. 🙂

EMBRACE yourself 🤗


If you have been on the live classes you know what i am talking about. Yes, self huggggggg❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Once you reflect on you emotional and physical health. Embrace yourself, just see what all you have been through in life. You have stayed strong and pushed yourself through it #selflove love begins with acknowledging yourself.

Self awareness is the key.

You are unique, you are powerful, you are blessed 💕

BELIEVE you can change 🔮

What is your inner voice telling you on repeat? Does it say you can or you can't?

Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you. Look beyond what you see. My favorite quote from Lion King. Well we can learn so much from animated movies 😅.

Believing in yourself that you can make the change happen is when the magic happens. This is where the process of programming your mind to what you want starts. The self doubt and negativity will creep in... They just come back to test you how strong you are... Keep going stay focus you got this💕

Practicing positive and clear #affirmations really helps to increase your belief and faith.

OVERCOME the obstacles 🏔️

Once you have Reflected on your lifestyle, you Embrace yourself, believe in yourself that you will Overcome your hurdles, the different obstacles.

Do not expect yourself to change over night. Your habits have been a part of you

for years or even decades, keep small and realistic goals of swapping a habit that's not helping you achieve your end goal with a habit that will help you reach your end goal. This will help to increase your confidence ❤️

UPLIFT your health 💫

Elevate spiritually, emotionally and thus it with reflect on your physical health.

Our mindset plays a very strong role on our physical health. The thoughts that constantly play on head on repeat is literally programming our mind. Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny. You always have a scope for improvement when it comes to health and fitness.

Exercise is all about 6 packs and biceps.. Its way more than that, I would live to share some reviews from our participants of our live fitness session @reboundhc. It helped to increase energy levels, improved flexibility, reduced pain, increased self confidence.❤️❤️❤️

NURTURE yourself 🥰

What does NURTURE even mean.

Well it's a Verb which means -care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing.

When was the last time you nurtured yourself or should I ask have you ever nurtured yourself?

We are so busy in our day today routine that we are constantly running.. After ticking so many tasks on the checklist we still feel the negativity of not completing the list than the happiness or positivity of finishing the tasks that we have ticked. It's important to set small goals, which are achievable that will really make you feel happier. The journey to the healthy body starts with a happy mind ❤️ Now that we have the time to reflect lets focus on our emotional and physical health.

NURTURE yourself with Nourishing foods, movement, hydrate, sleep well, breath deep, be mindful of your thoughts. 🙂

DEDICATE yourself to becoming your best 🌟

How can I reach my goals?

The most important step for you to reach your goal is to dedicate yourself. Commit and dedicate yourself to prioritize YOU, your emotional and physical health. The best goal you can set for yourself is to become your best version.

What exactly does it mean? ... It means that your goal is to simply become your best in every area of your life, the healthiest you can be, fittest you can be, happiest you can be, which will in turn help you be your best in your relationships (personal) and career... It all start with the place of SELF LOVE..


DEDICATE yourself to be mindful, include healthy and Nourishing foods in your diet, moving and stretching your body, breath deep, sleep well, hydrate, identify you stress and have a ritual to de-stress. .

#yougotthis #myhealthmyresponsibility #mylifemyresponsibility #dedication #dedicate #mydubai #dxb

#mindset #mentalhealth #uae #dubai #happiness #nurture #dubai #mydubai #dxb #chennai
