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"7 Days Step Up" Challenge

  • 7Days
  • 14Steps


The 7 Days Step Challenge is a week-long fitness challenge designed to encourage you to increase your daily step count and promote a more active lifestyle. The challenge involves setting a goal to achieve a specific number of steps each day for seven consecutive days. You can track your steps using a pedometer, fitness tracker, or smartphone app and aim to surpass your daily step target. This challenge will help you to develop a consistent walking routine, improve cardiovascular health, increase energy levels, and burn calories. Share this challenge with you family & friends as this is a great opportunity to motivate and inspire them to join in and make positive changes to their daily physical activity. Throughout the challenge: Stay hydrated and listen to your body. Remember to wear comfortable shoes and clothing for your walks. Celebrate every milestone and be proud of your progress.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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